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How to Get Lifetime Access to Duolit FOREVER (Or Win Free Access!)

So…here’s the deal: we like you.

A lot.

duolitheartsWhen we started our journey as Duolit back in February 2010, we had no idea where this journey was going to take us or how many new friends we were going to make along the way.

But here we are, three (!!) years later, and life is good. We’ve listened to all of your valuable feedback and created more ways (eBooks, workshops, services, etc.) for you to receive our step-by-step guides to conquer every marketing hurdle in your path.

Why? Because seriously, we just really like you.

We like the plucky dedication you bring to your craft. We like your indie spirit. We like that you’re not afraid to jump in and work hard to earn your success.

And all we want to do is help.

Our services, books, tools, templates and workshops are all built to help you find that success. That’s why a lot of what we create we offer for free.

But we also have some exclusive content, discounts and advantages that we only offer to a special group of people we call our Indie Ninjas.

We have so much love for our Ninjas — especially the ones who have been with us from the start — that we decided to turn their annual memberships into a lifetime memberships.

No strings, no fuss, no extra dough. They were with us from the beginning, and so we’ll be with ’em to the end.

Now we want to offer than same opportunity to you.

1349296461_KeyBefore we get any bigger, we’re going to let 15 more authors into our lifetime membership program.

This will not be offered to the public, promoted on social media, or advertised on our website. It’s just for you, as a thank you for letting us into your inbox.

Our goal here is to empower you to keep pushing ahead with your indie author career, using that plucky dedication and indie spirit.

After all, that’s what we like about you!

So if you’re interested in joining us, enter your deets below to sign up and we’ll let you know as soon as the window for our lifetime membership is open.

– Toni and Shannon @ Duolit

P.S. We’re also going to be giving away one free lifetime membership, find out more by joining the list!

PPS: If you can’t see the form above for some reason, please let us know!

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