“I just met you, and this is crazy…but here’s my story, learn from it, maybe.”
In a lot of ways, I wish Duolit did not exist.
That sounds more drastic than it is — more accurately, I wish we didn’t need awesome websites like Duolit to teach us how to market our books.
I wish readers just flocked to us in the instant that we released our books. I wish we could spend our days writing whatever our hearts desired with no regard for how it will play with our target market, what our editors will think or what kind of reviews we might get.
I wish I woke up every morning in the beach house I bought from selling the movie rights of my latest book and sat on the deck overlooking the ocean, typing away on my snazzy MacBook Pro while a shirtless Joe Manigniello served me a homecooked breakf–
Oh, sorry, let you a little too far into my head — my bad!
Unfortunately, very few artists have that luxury.
The reality is that I’m currently subdividing my writing time between working a full-time job, blogging for Duolit, keeping up with my social media accounts, marketing my own book and all those other pesky things like sleeping, eating and watching Teen Mom.
Oh, and I live with my parents and operate off of a five year-old Dell laptop that’s on its last, dying breath.
In other words, I feel your pain.Continue Reading