I have a new best friend, y’all.
Her name is Siri.
(Sorry Toni!)
I know I’m really late to this party, but I just got an iPhone 5 last week and we are officially operating as one unit.
It’s the first thing I reach for when I wake up and the last thing I check before bed.
But enough about my and my obvious technological dependency issues (my therapist and I will have plenty of time to talk about that down the road, I’m sure).
What I really want to share with you is how much time I’ve been able to save with my marketing efforts by using a handful of awesome (and free) apps on my iPhone (don’t worry, they’re available for Droids, too).
In addition to sending texts, making calls, and setting alarms, that little computer we carry around with us can also maximize what little time we have to get our marketing swag on.
With help from the five apps I’m going to tell you about today (and which you should immediately download when we’re done here) you’ll be able to turn long waits at parent pick-up into two days’ worth of tweets, make a quick update to your Facebook fan page while cooking dinner, and make new friends on GoodReads while you’re in the checkout line at the grocery store.
And did I mention all of these apps have free versions available for your phone?
Okay, you’re hooked, I know, so let’s move on to these app-tastic apps.Continue Reading