This is a guest post from @ZeroToSold (thanks Carolyn!). It originally appeared in this month’s Duolit Newsletter. Speaking of which, you really should sign up! It’s a great way to keep abreast of the latest self-publishing news, notes and tips. It’s super-easy to subscribe and we’ll never spam you — ever!
I look at people funny when they tell me “I’ve always dreamed of publishing a novel.”
I mean, they do know it is 2010, right?
Publishing a novel is a straight-forward, attainable and as simple as driving a car.
Is there work involved? Yes. Do you need to know a few rules and abide by them? Um, of course.
Did that stop you when you were sixteen from getting your license and begging for your parent’s keys? No.
The case is the same with your novel.
I shocks me how many people have a book (or two… or three) sitting in a drawer (or an abandoned ‘archived’ computer folder).
Yes, I totally get it that getting an agent or publisher was a one in a million occurrence and that self-publishing was looked down upon. That basically if you dared self-pub, you ruined any shot of every getting that novel released.
Um, ya, then actual business people took over the publishing industry (which is not ALL a good thing, but for us unpublished authors, it was awesome). They wanted to well, sell books. It started on the non-fiction side. They embraced people that put their own books out and established a sales base.
Then indie film hit. Reinvigorating the movie industry.
And good old MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter brought wide range, yet personal reference marketing to every author’s fingertips.
Game on!
Traditionally published authors such as JA Konrath embraced this new media and realized they could actually make MORE money by self-publishing than traditional.
So yes, I do look at people funny when they talk about dreaming of a day when their book could be out.
#Um #Thisisawkward #Itcouldbetoday
Great sentiment, Carolyn, and so true! Connect with Carolyn via Twitter as a woman dating after 40 (@craftycmc), a book marketing guru (@ZeroToSold) or thriller author (@CristynWest).