In thinking about our cycle of blog topics (branding, publishing, marketing and design) it occurred to us that we left out a critical component of the self-publishing process: writing! For all the obvious reasons, you can’t self-publish a book without…you know…writing it.
So with that in mind, we’ve decided to add writing to our cycle of blog topics, starting today. For discussion Wednesday, we’ve decided to pose the following question:
Which comes first, the characters or the plot?
Do you sometimes find yourself building characters and than trying to build a plot around them, or vice versa? I’ve done a little of both and I don’t know if one is easier than the other, but it does take a lot of creativity either way.
Feel free to share your opinions below! We want to know what you think, what you’ve experienced, and most importantly, what you have to say!
– Team Duolit
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