Could you imagine having a schedule set down to the minute?
In doing research on busy folks for this post, I came across an old schedule of Dwight D. Eisenhower (former US President).
My favorite appointment was a meeting with Mr. William Hopkins, which lasted from exactly 8:14am to 8:16am. That’s some precise schedule-setting!
While none of us have a schedule as action-packed as a head of state, the grind of modern life makes our days also feel scheduled down to the minute!
Frankly, it seems there’s never enough hours in the day to get up, cook breakfast, get kids ready, head to work, come home, cook dinner and get to bed at a decent hour.
I know I’m not alone on this. By far, the biggest complaint we receive from our author friends is that they simply don’t have enough time to build their fanbase and promote their work.
The problem? Brush off these uber-important activities, and you’re doomed to fail.
Self-publishing is no longer shiny and new. Sadly, clicking ‘publish’ is no guarantee of sales and success (as many a dejected author will attest).
To sell your books, you must create demand. To create demand, you must build a fanbase.
But…doesn’t that take tiiime? It sounds so scary!
Developing a following of readers who love your work does take time, but not nearly as much as you think.
In fact, you can do it in less time than it takes to watch a rerun of Saved by the Bell. Wanna know the secret?
Before all is revealed, let’s get real.
In your mind, rewind the past 24 hours. How many times did you:
- Surf the internet aimlessly?
- Hang out on social media?
- Veg out in front of the TV?
- Goof off with friends?
- Read, cook a four-course meal, or do anything else non-essential?
You see where this is going.
Don’t get me wrong, life’s little pleasures are important. Watching Vampire Diaries or losing yourself in a book are vital parts of life (just me on the Vampire Diaries thing, then?).
I’d never ask you to totally give those up. But, could you cut them out 4 days a week? For just 30 minutes a day?
Isn’t that time worth committing to your success as an indie author?
Look, I get that the “30 minutes/4 days” thing sounds like a cheesy Bowflex commercial, but here’s the secret: in that short amount of time you can create some serious momentum!
The Bowflex 30-Minute Fanbase-Building Secret
Sounds good, right? I’m serious with this, too. I KNOW the “30 minutes/4 days” thing works because I do it myself. When I’ve gotta get something done quickly, this is how I accomplish that task!
Before we get to the deets, check out the ground rules:
- Limit yourself to 30 minutes. Set a timer before each session and stick to it! The time limit prevents burnout. I want you to be excited for this promotional time!
- Ban multitasking. For this method to be effective, you must give the task at hand complete focus!
Day 1: Set Focus
On the first day of the week, you explore possibilities and set your focus. Here’s the breakdown:
- Minutes 1-5: Set up your workspace. Open websites/research material, read email, grab a notebook and pen, etc. Set your timer!
- Minutes 5-15: Brainstorm. Make a list of everything you could do this week, but be specific:
- Write a blog post about new chapter (not just write a new blog post)
- Comment on 5 blogs (not just comment on blogs)
- Send 5 tweets (not just send tweets…you get the idea)
- Figure out how to use Pinterest
- Write 2 Facebook updates
- Respond to 10 emails
- Email readers about short story idea
- Add Contact page to website
- Minutes 16-25: Set your focus. From your list, choose no more than 5 tasks you can realistically complete this week. Note: This amount varies depending on how much time takes to complete each task; just make your best estimation.
- Minutes 26-29: Create a to-do list for tomorrow, ordered by priority.
- Minute 30: *fistpump*
Day 2: Rock It Out!
Today, you get down to work, starting with the #1 thing on your task list. Finish it? Start on item #2!
- Minutes 1-5: Get set up and review your to-do list. Set timer!
- Minutes 6 -25 : Work on task(s).
- Minutes 26-29: Create a to-do list for tomorrow, ordered by priority.
- Minute 30: *fistpump*
Day 3: Keep on Rockin’
Focus all of your energy and finish up your tasks. You can do it!
- Minutes 1-5: Get set up and review your to-do list. Set timer!
- Minutes 6-25: Work on task(s).
- Minutes 26-30: Reflect. Jot down a few notes/observations from the week.
- Minute 30: *fistpump*
Day 4: Evaluate Progress
- Minutes 1-5: Get set up and review your reflections. Set timer!
- Minutes 6-15:Review the week. Answer the following questions:
- Did I complete all of my chosen tasks this week? What didn’t I get to? Why?
- Which tasks did I enjoy the most? Which were the most effective?
- What observations do I have for next week?
- The most positive thing that happened this week:
- Minutes 16-25: Record stats to track your progress. Make a note of any/all of the below for an instant status update:
- Email List Subscribers
- Twitter Followers
- Facebook Likes
- Book Sales
- Website Visits
- Blog Comments
- Reader Emails
- Minutes 26-30: Pat yourself on the back and go watch Vampire Diaries (yup, just me)!
Notes, Tips and Tricks
- The Bowflex Secret gets even better. As time goes on, you’ll become more efficient at completing tasks and better at estimating how long certain tasks take.
- Choose tasks wisely. While I love figuring out ways to be more efficient, I don’t think it’s plausible to visit every bookstore in town or write 80 guest posts in 30 minutes a day!
- Take notes. If you’re like me, trying to focus on one task is a guaranteed way to get an idea about something else. Always have a free notepad file, sticky note or piece of paper for sudden ideas, but don’t get distracted!
Do you need some extra fanbase-building help?
Does this sound like you?
Yeah Toni, this method sounds great, but I have no clue how to reach my reader or where to spend this limited promotional time! I’m in the dark on all of this stuff.
For all the background you need, check out Building Your Fanbase: A From-Scratch Guide for Indie Authors. You’ll learn:
The fanbase-growing secret weapon you ALREADY possess!
- How to promote your book (and still have time to write).
- The 7 keys to finding readers who go ga-ga for your book!
- How to figure out which promotional efforts are worth your time.
- The tips and tricks to using email, blogs, Facebook (and the rest) effectively and efficiently!
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