Wouldn’t it be nice if we could sell thousands of copies of our books just by sharing the raving reviews we received from our family and friends? Can you imagine these gems on the back cover of your book?
“Best thing she’s written since she scribbled her name in crayon on her bedroom wall.” – Dad
“It was the first book I read that wasn’t required for school, so I guess it was pretty good.” – Brother
“The book was great, but I knew it would be. She’s always been a talented child. Now if only she’d get married and give me some talented grandchildren.” – Mom
While those are all moving endorsements, unfortunately our families don’t carry enough weight in the writing community to boost our sales with their honest opinions. Instead, we are forced to look elsewhere, to popular bloggers and news outlets whose opinions have value outside our household in order to let our potential readers know that we are every bit as good as we say we are.
But how do we get those reviews? What’s the secret to getting someone to write a review of your book? What hoops do you have to jump through? Who do you have to beg? Where is the key to the secret under world of book reviewers?
Don’t panic, the secret to getting a great book review is in fact very simple. All you have to do is ask!Continue Reading