The following is part 1 of a guest post by Tracy Atkins. Check back next week for part 2!
Every single day, authors are bombarded with instructions to get cracking on social media.
You hear advice to tweet, build up your Facebook following, and post on your author blog. Marketing gurus dish sound advice to write articles for major blogs, and get out there in the world as an extrovert-expert.
You look at the bevy of URLs and accounts you need to maintain, and it feels like you are planning a trip to scale Mt. Vesuvius.
As confusing or unfocused as social media may be on the surface, the truth is that social media is an essential tool to build a fan base. Those fans are what you need most.
Gaining the recognition and respect from someone who enjoys your contributions to the social media world is the best way to turn a stranger into a fan.Continue Reading