When you bring your writer career online, it can feel a lot like standing in the middle of Times Square on New Year’s Eve. You look around and see people everywhere, but none of them give you a second glance. How do you connect with those all around you?
In reality, the size of the online writing community can be a real asset to your development as an author, but you have to know how to most effectively tap into it. No matter which way you like to communicate online, here are some options for getting started:
LitChats occur every Monday, Wednesday and Friday on Twitter from 4-5pm ET. They are a fast-paced, fun way to connect with other writers and discuss current topics and issues around the publishing scene. There may sometimes be a slight bias toward traditional publishing in LitChat, but it is becoming more and mroe friendly to self-publishers, so join the discussion! Not in the Eastern time zone or busy at 4? Search the #litchat hashtag at any time to chime in on that day’s topic.Continue Reading